Black sheep - you need to learn a bit more about fig trees LOL!
It wasn't the season for figs, but the tree should have been showing the signs of fruit well before the main crop was due to appear. As far as I'm aware, the fruit begins to grow at the end of the previous season. These small growths are edible and sometimes can be used as a second harvest - these are probably what Jesus was looking for, not unreasonable therefore. Then growth halts during the colder weather - and starts again in earnest when the better weather arrives. I might have it slightly mixed up - maybe there's a fig expert out there who can help?!
Within the gospel context, the fig tree was a symbol used of Israel and the cursing of the fig tree was symbolic of Israel's fruitlessness at that time - their Messiah had arrived among them and they weren't ready for him - there were no signs of productive growth when, with all the prophecies and guidance they'd had from God, there should have been. Possibly the complete withering of the tree was also prophetic of the coming destruction by the Romans?
Back to cameo-d, I don't think there's anything underhanded going on! Mainstream churches are usually just warning that if anyone (even Christians!) isn't ready for Christ's return, they face judgement and possible 'destruction' (whatever that means in various doctrinal ideas!). I sincerely doubt that it means the Christians are going to wipe out all non-Christians.
Plus, mainstream Christians don't tend to look forward to the destruction of other people quite like JWs seem to!